About Me

In Fall 2010, at the ripe age of 22, I got married to my sweetheart and thus began adulthood. We moved into our little apartment and began fending for ourselves. All throughout dating, one of our greatest joys was going out to eat and indulging ourselves in dining establishments that were far beyond our means. We've learned to cut way back on the eating out, and I spend much of my free time reaidng recipes, devising my own, and engaging in culinary experiments in the kitchen. A few have questionable results, but many are successes and have opened my husband to things he might not have tried before or thought he hated.

Newlywed-hood means a lot of learning in the kitchen, a lot of recipes that may seem basic or easy, but what's most important to me is that they are delicious!

Mr. and Mrs. B at a winery in Finger Lakes, NY wine region.
Mr. B. and I also love to visit wineries and vineyards and taste wines. Wine & food are meant to be enjoyed together and whenever possible I will provide my amateur wine connoisseur pairing recommendations.

In the summer of 2011, weeks before our first anniversary, we also became the owners of a very old house and a very cute puppy. He has been a blessing and a curse with how busy he keeps us! The same goes for the house.

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